Thinking in solutions
Have you ever heard or read “There is an app for that”? There is quite a big chance you did. That app for your smartphone, tablet or other electronic device brought a solution. So you can do more things with the device, be more productive, have more fun. The possibilities are endless.
Plugins for WordPress are also apps. WordPress is the device you use to publish your content online. The plugins you install in WordPress makes WordPress even better. You can do more things with it. You’re more productive with WordPress, you have more fun. The possibilities are endless again.
WordPress is free open source. So are a lot of apps for WordPress. There is only a major problem with free open source. Many apps don’t do what they promise, are not compatible, are not maintained, have lousy support and worst of all the quality of programming is worse.
There is a solution for that. The QURL way: Thinking in solutions and providing quality and reliability. Not only for WordPress apps, also for all other services I provide.
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The End of Dynamic Widgets
My dear and very respected users of Dynamic Widgets. After a few years of battling to make some time for the further maintenance
Posted on 29 December 2021 -
Dynamic Widgets 1.5.16
It seems I forgot to write a short notice for version 1.5.15. Anyway, version 1.5.16 has just been released that fixes a bug
Posted on 28 September 2019 -
Dynamic Widgets 1.5.14
After more then one year finally a new version of Dynamic Widgets is released. Version 1.5.14 is here!
This version
Posted on 16 February 2019 -
Dynamic Widgets 1.5.13
Today, after almost one year of silence, I've released a new version of Dynamic Widgets. Version 1.5.13 is now ready for download. WordPress Update system
Posted on 11 August 2017
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Jacco is een snelle, en vooral zeer effectieve programmeur. Ik heb met veel programmeurs gewerkt en opmerkingen als ‘dat is lastig’, ‘dat lukt nooit’ en ‘daar zit extreem veel tijd in’ waren in mijn ervaring meer regel dan uitzondering. Werken met Jacco was dan ook een verademing. Snel, gedreven en geen enkele ‘maar…’. Daarnaast komt hij zelf met oplossingen en suggesties aan, en zijn werkwijze heeft binnen mijn website een schoon en bijzonder elegant resultaat opgeleverd.
Niet alleen kan ik u Jacco aanbevelen, ik hoop persoonlijk ook nog vaker met hem te werken.
by Paul Christian Greidanus, owner of Paul Christian Design & AdviesSpeciale #FF voor @s_jacco vandaag, omdat hij mij enorm uit de brand heeft geholpen met een html/css probleem. Absolutely fantastic!
by Twitter user MeisjeMeisjeThis is the only plugin where I can customise my widgets that doesn’t crash my site when used in conjunction with other plugins!! Great Work!!
by forum member Reubz at the WordPress.org Forums.Dynamic Widgets is much more user friendly and enables the typical end-user to tap into the strengths of conditional tags without knowing them.
by Jeff Chandler, reviewing Dynamic Widgets at Weblogtools collection.