Selling balloons. Not just only the simple ones, but also very advanced balloon decorations. So, just a simpele WooCommerce implementation was definitely not enough.

Cygnet Cloud available via a mobile app. At least Android and iOS needs to be supported. The app also needs to be able to connect to any Cygnet Cloud installation out there.

An online memorial service, that was where Albert from Mijn in Memoriam was looking for. We wanted to base the CMS on WordPress. But no plugins that could do such a job could be found.

Zen Optimise Training Calendar
The Training Calendar that Joe from Zen Optimise was using was based on the eCommerce plugin Cart66. He wanted to move to WooCmmerce for that. Obviously the PHP scripts that used the Cart66 data was not capable of using the WooCommerce data.

The car company “Frans Munsterhuis” markets his cars for sale via the website. Getting crazy of entering all the details of the car every time two times for the administration at A2SP and the website, he asks for the possibility to link both applications together. That would save him a lot of time. […]

The ‘Loopbaan test’ of Van Essen Groep are 36 questions paired in two, so actually 72 questions. No database, just a flat text file. Based on the answers of this test the outcome is presented to the screen and a PDF file is created on the fly

Keep it simple. A form that uploads a document and puts it into an email. After that, a payment should be made for review of the document. The client didn’t want a full custom made form solution.

Crowdfunding. A way of raising funds for projects and/or startups. To get the actual funds in, a payment solution needed to be integrated into the site. Next to that there needed to be an administration tool for the backers (the ones who added to the fund).

WordPress is a great Content Management System. After the introduction of Custom Post Types the possibilities are endless. However combining two Custom Post Types together to one is something the developer of the Dance Consortium found to be a dead end.

A blog for a girl who loves high heeled shoes so much, she wanted to start blogging about it.

Amnesty International Werkgroep Gouda
Amnesty International, the fighters for human rights. The large world wide organization is dived in country groups. The Dutch Gouda group wanted an easy to maintain website for some general information and news. Because Amnesty is a charity organization this had to be a budget solution.

A data conversion project and providing a web service with the database content and the images. The frontend is developed by a third party.

Primary Sources, an unmistakable and many times underestimated source for scientific research. Very old books (starting 15th century) brought together and made available online. The keys are the MARC21 or EAD metadata and the large amount in number and size of images.

Conversion of the “Répertoire des Catalogues de Ventes Publiques” by Frits Lugt (1884-1970) to an online edition. The four books (Répertoires) Frits Lugt created are rare and very expensive these days.

The Early Modern Pamphlets Online
A premium publication platform for a growing number of pamphlets. Currently the counter of pages notes a dazed number of 1.3 million. That makes scalability the number one key. Also the size of the images (facsimile’s) is to pay attention to.

A premium publication platform for art sales catalogues using the metadata from the “Frits Lugt’s Répertoire“. Because of the large amount of catalogues (about 30.000 and growing) the platform has to be scalable.

Indo-European Etymological Dictionaries
A premium publication platform for dictionaries. But there is something about these dictionaries. It are etymological dictionaries. And, to make it even more complicated, every dictionary has it’s own structure. Flexibility and scalability are the keys.

A website for finding bridge-partners (The bridge game that is). Because of the average high age of bridge players, make everything as easy as possible. Take the visitor by the hand.