ArchiveFebruary, 2010
Browsing all articles from February, 2010

Dynamic Widgets 1.2

Version 1.2 of Dynamic Widgets is now available for download. In this version a lot has been added, fixed and changed.

  • Added support for PHP4 (not fully tested).
  • Added Dynamic Widgets info and edit link in the widgets admin itself.
  • Added support for widget display setting options for Author Pages.
  • Added support for Single Posts exception rules for tags.
  • Added support for Single Posts exception rules for individual posts.
  • Bugfix for rare cases not selecting the right default option for single posts.
  • Bugfix for wrong exception rules were applied in rare cases when rules are set for a page or archive page.
  • Bugfix for displaying confusing success and error message.
  • Bugfix for not displaying checked checkboxes in MS Internet Explorer.
  • Workaround to stop showing invalid (not clean unregistered) widgets without a name.
  • Some small textual changes.
  • Moved general helpinfo to standard WordPress contextual help screen.

PHP4 support is now automatic. However, PHP4 support is not fully tested because I don’t have PHP4 anymore. If you encounter problems, please let me know. I’ll try to work out a solution.

Due to the addition of the Author pages option, the behavior of the Archive pages option has slightly changed. The Archive pages option does not include the Author pages anymore. If you have widgets with the Archive option set to ‘No’ the upgrade process to version 1.2 will automaticly set ‘No’ to the Author pages also to keep the old behavior. An upgrade is only triggered when a proper deactivate and activate cycle is done.

UPDATE 21.15 GMT+0100: If you’ve downloaded the plugin between 19.15 [7.15 PM] and 21.15 [9.15 PM] GMT+0100 it is possible you’re not able to view the Widgets Admin page. I’ve accidently uploaded a wrong version of a script which causes a crash of that page. Just re-download and overwrite the plugin. Everything is working fine now. My apologies for any inconvience. I took measures to be sure this won’t happen again.

WordPress 2.9.2

The new 2.9.2 version of WordPress which was released yesterday does not affect the working of Dynamic Widgets. I’ve done a quick test with the latest version (1.1.1) of Dynamic Widgets and did not find any problem.

Bug fixed in version 1.1

The bug which occurred in version 1.1 has been fixed. The version with the bugfix is 1.1.1. You can download the new version at

My apologies for any inconvience caused by this bug.

Bug in version 1.1

A bug has been reported and confirmed in version 1.1:
When using role options, other options may display unexpected default values in the widget options edit admin page.

A fix is on it’s way and will be released asap, but no later than Sunday February 7, 2010.

If you can not wait, you may try the following. Please note, you have to change some PHP code in two files. If you’re not familiar with PHP, I do not recommend this. Also this code is not fully tested.

In file ./dynamic-widgets/dynwid_class.php:149-155

public function getOptions($widget_id, $maintype) {
  $opt = array();
  $query = "SELECT widget_id, maintype, name, value FROM " . $this->dbtable . " WHERE widget_id LIKE '" . $widget_id . "' AND (maintype LIKE '" . $maintype . "%' OR maintype = 'role') ORDER BY name";

Replace by:

public function getOptions($widget_id, $maintype, $admin = TRUE) {
  $opt = array();

  if ( $admin ) {
    $query = "SELECT widget_id, maintype, name, value FROM " . $this->dbtable . " WHERE widget_id LIKE '" . $widget_id . "' AND maintype LIKE '" . $maintype . "%'   ORDER BY name";
  } else {
    $query = "SELECT widget_id, maintype, name, value FROM " . $this->dbtable . " WHERE widget_id LIKE '" . $widget_id . "' AND (maintype LIKE '" . $maintype . "%' OR maintype = 'role') ORDER BY name";

In file ./dynamic-widgets/dynwid_worker.php:24

$opt = $DW->getOptions($widget_id, $whereami);

Replace by:

$opt = $DW->getOptions($widget_id, $whereami, FALSE);

UPDATE: Bug has been fixed in version 1.1.1.


Dynamic Widgets 1.1

I’ve just released a new official stable version of the Dynamic Widgets Plugin. Compared to the previous stable version 1.0 two features have been added:

  • Default widget display setting option for ‘Not Found’ Error (404) Page. (since 1.0.1)
  • Support for widget display settings based on role, including not logged in (anonymous) users. (NEW)

If you have a previous version installed, you’ll see an update of the plugin soon when picks up the new version. When you’re not using the automatic updating function in WordPress, please follow the upgrade notes in the readme.txt included in the zip file of the plugin.

UPDATE: A bug has been fixed in version 1.1, which made the new version 1.1.1. Do not use version 1.1, but version 1.1.1. You can download version 1.1.1 from

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