This is to announce I have the pleasure to tell you I’ve just released version 1.5.1 of my WordPress plugin Dynamic Widgets. This version has the following 2 features added, 7 bugs fixed and a major update the way of generating the static pages list. This update makes it much faster and more reliable. Below the list:
- Added Custom Taxonomies support for Pages
- Added Portuguese language files (locale: pt_PT) – Obrigado Pedro!
- Bugfix for Illegal offset type in isset or empty in /wp-includes/taxonomy.php on line 211.
- Bugfix for Options disappear when adding a widget to a sidebar.
- Bugfix for Taxonomy childs are displayed when Taxonomy is not hierarchical.
- Bugfix for deprecated call-time pass-by-reference in custompost_module.php on line 226.
- Bugfix for showing info balloon at Tag archive Pages.
- Bugfix for Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in dynwid_admin_save.php on line 158.
- Bugfix for Cannot modify header information – headers already sent
- Changed the way the hierarchical tree for static pages is build.
19 Comments to “Dynamic Widgets 1.5.1”
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4 April 2012 at 10:35
I have a question – is there a way to display widget only on 1st page of each category?
I don’t want to show it on paginated pages (just the 1st/main)
4 April 2012 at 13:54
The functionality you’re looking for is only available for the first posts page, not currently for other pages. I like the idea tho. This needs some investigation if it’s possible.
8 April 2012 at 14:19
Hi – does this support the Gantry framework? I’m getting the “WidgetID is invalid” message with every plugin disabled except the Gantry Template Framework?
Thanks, Nick
9 April 2012 at 18:36
Make sure you hit the ‘Save’ button after adding a new widget to the sidebar. When you don’t and go straight to the DW options page, you might run into this error. When you do hit Save and still see this error, it means the addition of the widget to the WordPress system is done in an old fashioned way which DW can’t handle. See this FAQ for the solution.
10 April 2012 at 16:57
I am trying to use Dynamic Widgets with WooCommerce to customize the widgets on the sidebar. However, my Woocommerce shop pages are not reflecting the Dynamic Widgets settings. Instead all pages are showing the default sidebar. Any ideas?
10 April 2012 at 21:24
I’m not sure DW supports WooCommerce. Do you see WooCommerce items in the DW widget settings? When you do, you can try the OLD method. To enable this method go to the bottom of the DW overview page, click “Advanced” and tick the box for “Use OLD method”.
10 April 2012 at 21:35
Yes, I see WooCommerce widgets in the DW widget settings but I am not using them. Instead, what I am trying to do is customize the right toolbar on the pages where my Woocommerce shop appears by switching off basic WP widgets.
My Woocommerce shop pages appear in the list of DW options for the WP widgets that I am trying to control but when my Woocommerce pages render they seem to ignore the DW option settings and all the WP widgets are incorrectly appearing.
DW works fine on all of my other pages. I am using the Propulsion theme from Kriesi.at. I posed this question to Kriesi’s support forum but they say the issue is between DW and Woocommerce. Would appreciate any help you can provide. If you’d like to look under the hood of my site let me know how I can send you the login credentials. Thanks!
10 April 2012 at 22:16
I’m afraid DW does not recognize the WooCommerce pages correctly. So it doesn’t know what to do. At that moment DW goes into failsave mode and refuses to apply any option set. Probably the only way to ‘fix’ this is to add a module to DW for recognizing WooCommerce. As WooCommerce is not free and developer fees start at $225, that makes it impossible to add that kind of functionality to DW for free. I’m happy to provide you with a quote for this on a commercial base. But to be honest, I won’t be able to do this for a relative small amount of money.
11 April 2012 at 13:37
Thanks Jacco. Let’s try this… please point me to the section in your plug-in that ‘recognizes’ pages and I will see what I can do about mod’ing this to work with Woocommerce myself.
11 April 2012 at 18:50
I do not recommend this approach. Every new version which is being pushed will overwrite this.
Anyway, the recognition needs to be registered to
. This is done indynwid_init_worker.php
. After that you can pickup the options set together with the recognition in the$DW->whereami
switch indynwid_worker.php
. You will have to add a module also by extending theDWModule()
class by placing a file in the ./mods directory.10 April 2012 at 21:36
Tried the “old” setting and that didn’t seem to make any difference.
14 April 2012 at 04:38
I just wanted to say that this widget has saved me so much time, effort and frustration I love it so much and wanted to say thank you
18 April 2012 at 18:49
I have a multisite installation. and the latest version of Dynamic Widgets. Got the ‘OOps. Something went terribly wrong’ message, tried deactivating and reactivating as you suggest, but still have the same message.
Any ideas what I should try next?
18 April 2012 at 22:50
Hi Nigel,
Have you also tried my other suggestion in the FAQ?
19 April 2012 at 09:07
badly i cant find the download of the plugin.
There isnt anything on the wordpress page. Is this plugin removed and no longer supported?
19 April 2012 at 09:17
Hello Mai,
Don’t worry, the plugin is still supported. However, WordPress has found an issue within the plugin and took it down immediately. I’m working with WordPress to resolve the issue and have Dynamic Widgets back online. I expect to have it back online soon.
19 April 2012 at 09:22
that are very good news, thanks for your fast support!
19 April 2012 at 18:13
Hello Mai,
Dynamic Widgets is back online. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
20 April 2012 at 08:17
Perfect. Thank you very much for the information and your fast reaction!
I love this plugin 🙂