Much sooner then anticipated I have released Dynamic Widgets version 1.5.2. Due toΒ a possible XSS security vulnerability found yesterday by the WordPress team. To protect your WordPress installation this vulnerability has been closed in this version. As a bonus two other bugs have been fixed.
It’s highly recommended to update asap.
48 Comments to “Dynamic Widgets 1.5.2”
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30 April 2012 at 06:52
First, thanks for developing a great plugin. I am setting up a blog using buddypress and your plugin does the job fantastically.
I have another question though… is there any way to move the “my account” menu item that is on the wp-admin bar after a member registers. I need to move it to my main nav but can’t figure it out. Any ideas??
Thanks again
30 April 2012 at 12:01
Hi Rick,
First of all, thanks for your compliments. π
The wp-admin bar is not a sidebar with widgets unfortunately, therefor DW can’t do anything with it. Also the bar is not part of the menu since 3.3 anymore. It uses it’s own structure objects these days.
I think the easiest way to deal with it is to hide the “My account” item and then create a widget with the “My Account” item in it, showing only (DW can help you there!) to Non-Anonymous. When you want a more sophisticated solution, I’m happy to provide you with a quote for that of course.
4 May 2012 at 01:08
I love your plugin but I I don’t have the open to show sidebar links when go to admin settings and change my blog page. http://acrinteriors.com/blog/
Please advise.
4 May 2012 at 01:16
Hi me again, what I meant to say is that when I change the default page for all posts to the blog page, my side bar links disappeared. I am thinking this is a bug.
When I look at my widgets to customize where they show up, my blog page is not an option to tick. When I turn off default posts to blog page in the settings area the sidebar widgets show up. Please Help!
4 May 2012 at 09:17
Hi Le,
I’m not sure if I understand you correctly. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
When the front page is set to ‘Latest Posts’. There is a section in the DW options called “Front Page”. When you switch the front page setting to a static page, the blog page you select will show up in DW as the “Posts page”.
4 May 2012 at 17:05
perfect. That answers my question! Thanks!
5 May 2012 at 05:40
Your plugin is very nicely done and has been a huge help. I completely understand why you’ve removed options like per-post conditions. Our latest site actually has about 300 pages. It can be a little slow opening DW, but even with many pages, it has been reliable and easy to use.
The only bit we haven’t worked out is how to display different sidebars on search results pages. For example, when querying a post type like “Student”, results come back with this querystring appended:
Do you have plans to add a wildcard URL matching option that could match strings like the above? That would probably also make it work with a number of gallery plugins and others that use of querystrings.
Many thanks,
5 May 2012 at 08:02
Hello Rod,
First of all thanks for your compliments! π
I have good news for you I think. URL support has just been added to the latest development version
12 June 2012 at 18:07
Hi Jacco — I just tried again with york latest dev version. The URL I need to match happens to be on a search page. This is in the query string:
I tried a few different matches:
but have not been able to get it to work.
All the best,
28 July 2012 at 11:25
Hi Rod,
Apologies for not getting back to you earlier. I’ll have a look and test out a few things to see if I can fiddle around to get searches working.
29 July 2012 at 13:12
Hi Rod,
I’ve been fiddling around a bit with the code. It looks like I’ve found a solution for you. I’ll add some helptext to the URL section to make more clear what DW is expecting there. When I have my normal internet connection back (hopefully soon now), I can commit the code change to the development version.
1 August 2012 at 19:42
Hello Rod,
As promised I’ve added some features to the URL section. Hopefully this will now fit your needs. It’s all available in the latest development version.
8 May 2012 at 13:35
That’s fantastic Jacco — I will test it out ASAP.
15 June 2012 at 07:43
Since the new WP release, the plugin is not working well. If you try to show one widget in just one page it would not work, simply, it does not show the widget.
Thanks for your help and the plugin, of course!
28 July 2012 at 11:27
Hello Pedro,
Apologies for net getting back earlier to you. What exactly is happening when you try to show one widget?
18 June 2012 at 04:25
Love that your plugin is rated 5-stars. π I am trying to use your plugin to show a slideshow#1 on all pages except – on the order page – and on the order page show slideshow#2 only on that page. But it seems that i can not get it to work this way.
28 July 2012 at 11:30
Hi Ritchie,
Apologies for not getting back to you earlier. I assume the slideshow(s) are widgets? What exactly is happening? Does slideshow#1 not getting hidden on the order page?
21 June 2012 at 18:09
Hello, I am very interested in using this widget on my site. It has an impressive feature set – such a great addition to the WordPress arsenal.
Is it possible to use the plugin to display awidgets on just certain days of the week in a given fortnight? So, I would like to have two widgets, one of which displays in the Saturday and Sunday of one week, and the other displays on the Saturday and Sunday of the following week, and so on in a cycle.
I suspect I may need a manual solution, which would be a pain and so any help you can think of would be much appreciated.
Many thanks and congratulations on producing such a great sounding plugin.
28 July 2012 at 11:31
Hello Roger,
Apologies for not getting back earlier.
I’m afraid the functionality where you’re looking for is not available in DW. I do like it actually, so I’ve putted it on the wishlist.
1 August 2012 at 19:44
Hello Roger,
I’ve added two sections to the latest development version: Day and Week. The week section does not work with even / odd weeks, but full week numbers. By combining Day and Week you should be able to reach the result you’re looking for.
28 June 2012 at 15:56
Spent past 1Β½ days tweaking the settings. I can’t get a dynamic “text” widget to appear on the highest level page in my site (not home page or first page). I can get it to appear on all child pages, just not home page. I am running v1.5.2
28 July 2012 at 11:33
Hello Doug,
Apologies for not getting back to you earlier.
Does the widget appear when you put the widget to static? So, without DW settings attched to it?
19 July 2012 at 14:11
It appears that this plugin DW also conflicts with JQuery Accordion Menus.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can resolve this? I love the menus but also love DW (Dynamic Widgets)??
When both are installed my image library freaks out.
Not always right away but always eventually
28 July 2012 at 11:37
Yes, this is a known issue and is fixed within the latest development version.
28 July 2012 at 17:20
Thanks! it’s a wonderful plugin. I’d hate to have to uninstall it.
I love this plugin!
1 August 2012 at 15:31
Trying out this plugin on a BuddyPress site. Showing a widget on a specific group allows the widget to be visible before they join/enter the group. It would be better to have the widget to be visible only after they enter the group.
It would be good to show widgets at the group introductory page but they need to have a separate setting.
See this screencast for a better explanation: http://www.screencast.com/t/lO2p0ZgYAVmf
1 August 2012 at 19:53
Hi Grant,
Just looked to the screencast -great tool by the way! like it-. I understand what you’re looking for. Just have to find out if it’s possible. I’ve put it on the wishlist for further investigation.
1 August 2012 at 20:23
Thanks for the consideration.
If this happens that means I can use it and it has value to me. I’ll hit the tip jar.
The screencast was made using Camtasia from TechSmith.
25 August 2012 at 13:08
Hello Grant,
I’ve been looking into your request for the members option in BP Groups. BP does have a function in place for that, but unfortunately in a quite unfashionable and therefor unusable way. It would mean a lot of programming (time) to make this possible. I’m not able to put such an effort into a free plugin. It would need some commercial backing.
6 August 2012 at 10:09
first of all: thank you for a great plugin – it really made my life much easier!
now for some issues:
as of version 1.5.2 somehow filtering widgets for custom taxonomy archive pages doesn’t work (and it worked like a charm before) that is:
– when setting a dynamic widget properties i don’t see the “custom taxonomy archive” tab
– all previously set custom tax. archive dynamic widget rules sopped wiorking (i.e. widgets that were supposed to be hidden on specified tax. archive pages are now visible)
please help! (i’m desperate)
6 August 2012 at 10:35
ok I found it (i guess. at least for the admin page)
first of all in custom_module.php
since in public static function customPosts() you have:
$args = array(
'public' => TRUE,
'_builtin' => FALSE
// Custom Post Type
self::$post_types = get_post_types($args, 'objects', 'and');
posts which are builtin are not selected
then in public static function customTax() for each custom tax you do:
foreach ( $tax->object_type as $obj ) {
echo ":".$obj;
if ( $obj == 'page' ) {
$cpt_label[] = _('Pages');
}else if ( isset(self::$post_types[$obj]) ) {
$cpt_label[] = self::$post_types[$obj]->label;
echo "(add:".self::$post_types[$obj]->label.")";
and since post is not page and is not in $post_types then if a custom tax. is set to work only with posts – it dissapears from the amdin page
I assume the same is somewhere in the worker
6 August 2012 at 14:25
Hi trekker,
I’ve had several requests to add Custom Taxonomies support to the builtin posts. Currently the worker is not prepared for that as it checks the taxonomy against the post type. It’s on the wishlist and looking to the number of requests, I’ll move it up some notches. π
8 August 2012 at 14:25
oh good – do move it up to the top π
BTW: I thought it used to work b4
24 August 2012 at 09:24
I didn’t move it to the top, but not having a decent internet connection again shortened the list quite fast. π I’ve implemented Custom Taxonomies for Posts. When I have my decent internet connection back, I’ll upload it.
6 August 2012 at 10:40
nopwe – just the admin page π looks like after the update the options that were not used (not available on admin page) someghow got deleted
anyways: look into that custom_module.php
15 August 2012 at 16:51
Greetings. I was wondering if it could be added for a future version the ability for custom post-types to show up as well in the single-post section of limiters. Currently it displays category and author as limiting factors for the widget to be shown or not.
It would be great if we could also use this because: a theme i have uses single.php to show all posts, however, it uses a custom query_posts loop for the list of each of the post-types it comes with. I can successfully filter the widgets to show properly on each custom post-type listing page, but when I enter into single view, all widgets show up, or no widget show up depending on what I do in single posts. If I say no I have nothing to filter it as an exception, which is where I would love to be able to select my custom post type.
I am short on time here, and I have not read previous comments. I apologize if this has been talked about earlier.
Kudos on your awesome plugin. May you find the time and energy to continue expanding upon it as wordpress progresses. Many blessings to you.
15 August 2012 at 19:21
Actually, single Custom Post Types have been supported for a while in DW. Unfortunately I had to take it off as it was not reliable and not meeting the quality standards I follow. It is on the list to bring it back to life.
24 August 2012 at 09:21
Hello again jmorales,
Not having a decent internet connection again, gave me some time to think about how to bring back support for individual Custom Post Types back to life. I have found a solution. When I have my decent connection back I’ll upload it.
24 August 2012 at 15:26
Great news indeed Jacco. I’ll be waiting for that update. π
Thanks again for the awesome work invested in this plugin.
27 August 2012 at 21:55
Hello to all requesters for supporting Taxonomies in Posts and individual Custom Post Types in Dynamic Widgets. I have – spontaneously – my decent Internet connection back. Now wondering what the explanation will be from @Caiway. Anyway, that means I was able now to upload the new development version to the repository. Please note, development versions are beta versions.
28 August 2012 at 06:30
One thing I forgot to mention in my previous message about individual Custom Post Types. It works basically the same as for individual posts and tags. You have to tick the box at the top (Individual Posts, Custom Post Types and Tags). Then an entry for the widget will show up in a meta box at the post edit screen.
8 September 2012 at 19:49
Thank you for this plugin. I’ve tried installing your beta version and although it activates properly, when I navigate to my site’s dashboard >Dynamic WIdgets, the following message is what I see, “Oops! Something went terrible wrong. Please reinstall Dynamic Widgets.”
I’ve re-installed with the same outcome. If I could help troubleshoot, let me know. If you would like credentials, I can provide those to you. Thank you!
8 September 2012 at 23:39
Hello Quint,
This message appears when DW can’t find the database table it (should) have created when installing the plugin. Make sure the database user WordPress is using does have CREATE rights.
8 September 2012 at 23:51
Hello Jacco,
Thank you for responding. I am the Super Admin for my site. Is it possible that I do not have CREATE rights? How would I check that?
FYI: I have deleted the beta and installed your production version with the same result.
9 September 2012 at 00:01
Ah! You’re using WordPress MU? Do not do a newtork install for DW, that won’t work. Only install DW per site in the network.
9 September 2012 at 00:08
Like butter. π Thanks, that works.
18 September 2012 at 03:30
We are being told by the host site that our WordPress version 3.4.1 needs to be updated to 3.4.2 for security reasons. (We had our site hacked and are sensitive to maintaining update versions.)
I’m also being told that we are running a plug-in that is incompatable with the lastest version of WordPress. Dynamic Widgets v. 1.5.2 is the only plug-in we use.
The Dynamic Widgets plug-in only shows compatability with WordPress up to 3.3.
Can you tell me if we will run into trouble if we update to the latest version of WordPress?
By the way – excellent plug-in – really saved the day when we set up the site.
Thanks! Don Mac
18 September 2012 at 20:05
Hello Don,
There are no compatibility issues known for WordPress 3.4.2 and Dynamic Widgets 1.5.2. There are a few existing minor issues known which were already there in other versions. Issues can always be tracked via the issue tracker. I always try to resolve major issues as quick as possible to have it included in the latest development version.