I’ve just released version 1.5.4 of Dynamic Widgets. Just a small update release this time. Mostly because of a small issue given by wrong configured webservers spitting out a notice when upgrading to WordPress 3.5.
The following has changed:
- Added Danish language file (locale: da_DK) – Tak Morten!
- Bugfix for WPML postID finder reports 0 when WPML language is unknown.
- Bugfix for Single Post Rules are lost when autosave of single post is made
- Bugfix for Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare().
- Upgraded the Pods module to support Pods version 2. – Thanks Scott for the help!
- Widend the widget_id space because of looooong widget names.
- Moved to WordPress time in stead of server time for the date/time based modules.
Witin three days time 11 people voted “Broken” on the combination WordPress 3.5 and Dynamic Widgets 1.5.3. I’m wondering how long it will take when those 11 people have voted again for the combination WordPress 3.5 and Dynamic Widgets 1.5.4.
105 Comments to “Dynamic Widgets 1.5.4”
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17 December 2012 at 11:03
All of a sudden there is no save button anymore to save the changes made to a new widget, where did it go?
17 December 2012 at 11:33
You mean the save button in the Widgets Admin or in Dynamic Widgets Admin?
17 December 2012 at 23:05
when using the Rotating Images function of the Dynamic Widgets, how can I get control over which images I want to be shown by the widget? So far it shows every image of my mediathek randomly, but I’d like to select a certain range to be shown.
Thanks for your support,
18 December 2012 at 09:20
Dynamic Widgets does not alter the contents of widgets. It only shows or hides widgets following the rules you have set.
21 December 2012 at 00:43
I am currently using version 1.5.3. I would like to upgrade to 1.5.4 but I already upgraded WordPress to 3.5. Can i still do the upgrade or will this cause a conflict?
21 December 2012 at 08:36
Absolutely, no problem at all.
26 December 2012 at 17:05
The widgets are not showing properly and I have this warning message all around the Dynamic Widgets settings:
“Warning: Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare(), called in /home/oteka440/public_html/videobeuz.com/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-widgets/classes/dynwid_class.php on line 654 and defined in /home/oteka440/public_html/videobeuz.com/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 990”
What should I do? Please advise!
Many thanks and a happy holyday!
26 December 2012 at 18:56
You must be using a version of Dynamic Widgets < 1.5.4 on WordPress 3.5. See this blogpost you've just commented on. Upgrade to DW 1.5.4 to resolve this.
8 January 2013 at 09:39
We love your plugin, but in recent week one of the Custom Type has gone and we can not assign any Dyanmic Widget for it? Can you give me hand with that, it only show Tags Categories but not the actual Posts (we call them Programs) http://d.pr/i/vgJs
Any help would be appreciated , it works on everywhere else..
8 January 2013 at 09:45
Thank you for your comment! The single custom posts have been moved to the post itself like the way you work with the built in posts. Make sure you have ticked the checkbox for individual posts. Then a metabox will shop up at the Custom Post Type admin in the bottom right for Dynamic Widgets.
8 January 2013 at 09:54
thank you that fixed it! So simple, sorry must missed it in CHANGLOG *(which i have nto read i guess)
14 January 2013 at 20:11
Is there also a possibility to only display a widget when there is something to display. Mostly you get an empty box (with title), and that’s not what i want. You?
14 January 2013 at 22:26
I have actually a very simple rule about that: Don’t show something which isn’t there. So, yeah, I totally agree. Unfortunately, DW runs it’s filters before content is being generated (or not) for the widgets. So, DW has no idea if there will be content or not.
19 January 2013 at 04:05
Thank you for your hard work and for sharing your plugin, Dynamic-Widgets team!
I have my blog’s custom menu set up like this:
About RTN
National Issues
Global Issues
Contact RTN
Some of these pages (About, Contact) aren’t open for discussion/comments. But the other pages are set up as Blog Excerpts. But herein lies the problem:
When I click on “Humor”, for instance, posts that weren’t even tagged as humor show up. How can I contain it so that on the Humor page, only posts related to humor show up? When I click on the National Issues page, how can I use this so only posts regarding national issues show up?
I see how you can configure widgets, but I really want to be able to control which posts go into which page (menu item). Any guidance you could offer in this regard would be greatly appreciated!
20 January 2013 at 12:50
Hello Jason,
I’m sorry, Dynamic Widgets does not feature this. It only applies visibility to widgets, not to posts. However, I think it’s possible to achieve what you’re looking for by doing some custom programming for you. Depends a bit of what you’re exactly looking for and how you would want to have that implemented.
1 March 2013 at 21:02
Jason the absolute best thing you could do to achieve what you want is to convert over to the theme Weaver II. It is the most user friendly, robust, customizable theme that I have been able to find. It also automatically creates your mobile version for you. And their support is fantastic. Honestly I wouldn’t even dream of trying to use anything else.
They have a free version which is impressive enough as it is, but their pro version is only $30 and insanely worth it.
I use it for this site:
Hope that’s useful.
1 February 2013 at 02:11
Hello, Jacco,
does Dynamic Widgets support WP multisite?
1 February 2013 at 02:21
Sorry, I’ve found answer by myself. Please, delete the thread.
18 February 2013 at 06:52
Great plugin. I’m using a plugin called custom side bar and it works great with it but I have many sidebars and they all don’t list on you dynamic page.
Your dynamic page is awesome and easier to setup rules with so is there a way to have all the sidebars appear or a way to go to another page and view more sidebars?
Again – awesome plugin…
19 February 2013 at 14:19
Do the sidebars appear in the Widget Admin (not DW)? DW looks up the sidebars which are registered via the standard register_sidebar() function in WordPress.
For some reason this sounds like you’re trying to achieve something using two strategies. Using different sidebars and using Dynamic Widgets.
24 February 2013 at 21:29
Do you know if Dynamic Widgets has any conflict problems with Adrotate? Adrotate keeps disappearing from all my widgets and I figure it’s conflicting with something. Since I use Dynamic Widgets to control where Adrotate ads appear, I thought it could be that, and that you may be aware of such a conflict. Thank you for any help you can offer.
25 February 2013 at 11:16
No, I’m not aware of any conflict. What happens when you make the widget static (aka no DW rules)?
1 March 2013 at 21:03
I use your Dynamic Widget plugin (which is awesome btw)… but I just came up with a suggestion so thought I’d share it with you.
It would be FABULOUS if there was a bulk edit option.
ie: if I have like 10 widgets either in the same widget area or in different widget areas that actually all need the same criteria applied to them, it’s awfully slow to work through them one at a time. But if there was a check box next to each I could select all the ones that I want to apply the criteria to and then be able to bulk edit those options all in one shot. (Because in reality I’ve got like 28 widgets that I end up changing criteria on one at a time lol.)
That would so definitely be worth a beer! 😉 (if you weren’t thousands of miles away from me lol)
Just an idea. Cheers!
1 March 2013 at 21:12
Oh I’m on a roll – lol… also, being able to collapse the various widget areas when you’re in the Dynamic Widget Admin would be great too. 🙂
I have almost as many widget areas as I do widgets lol… ok no, I’m exaggerating – but I’ve got a lot of them….49 to be exact and each of these will have between 2 to 12 or so widgets within them – so my page gets really long lol.
1 March 2013 at 23:15
Hello Tanya,
Re the bulk edit option: I actually have something like on the wishlist.
Re collapsable widget area’s: Good idea! I’ll put it on the list. 🙂
2 March 2013 at 04:52
Still loving Dynamic Widgets 😀
Have spotted a missing setting: responsive designs. I can hide widgets and widget areas at different responsive breakpoints using CSS but would love to be able to do this via Dynamic Widgets.
Also, is it possible to automatically set new post types to ‘do not display’ widgets on them on the creation of the new post type/taxonomy?
For example, if I have a text widget set to display nowhere but the homepage (as set by clicking the ‘Set all options to “No”‘ button) then adding an exception for the homepage, were I to later add an events plugin that uses a custom post type of ‘Events’ I would need to edit my text widget to stop it appearing on the Events pages. Is it possible to make widgets not display on new post types if the ‘Set all options to “No”‘ button has been used for that widget?
Thank you for creating Dynamic Widgets,
A loyal fan and promoter 🙂
2 March 2013 at 08:22
Hello Lee,
Unfortunately responsive design is not possible. Dynamic Widgets hides or shows widget in the background. The viewport is calculated at the front-end. Too late for DW. The only solution would be extending the browser section with more browsers / mobile detection and that’s on the (growing) wishlist.
Your other suggestion is not possible as well, sorry about that. Setting the quick option to “No” is done in the front-end. DW itself doesn’t know that. Because the default behaviour for WordPress widgets is ‘show’, new post types do get automatically the ‘show’ attribute, or actually no attribute at all. Solution would be tracking the addition of post types etc. I’m sorry, that’s a very specific option I won’t see to be included in DW without commercial backing.
8 March 2013 at 22:59
Hi Jacco,
I apologize for taking so long to reply. I was half asleep when I read your reply a week agi and have just now remembered about it. I do appreciate plugin development takes time and I know DW is a complex project. If I were rich enough or if one of my clients were needy enough to be willing to contribute toward development costs I’d hire you to make the changes. I will send you another donation at some point but I can’t promise when (will likely say Hodson Holdings or one of my email addresses next to the payment details).
Have you thought about listing an advanced version on CodeCanyon or with WPMU? That could be a good way to bring in additional funds.
Thank you, Jacco,
9 March 2013 at 10:21
Hi Lee,
Yes, I have thought about a commercial version of DW. But decided not to do it. The reason why is actually more or less being answered by yourself. It would make DW more complex and I’m not sure I will have a benefit from the investments I have to do for it. Even using a commercial backing system is not really something I like. I have mixed feelings about it. Mainly because I have done it twice now for a specific project within DW and for one the invoice still needs to be paid.
Maybe one day I do decide to have a commercial version of DW. I always keep those kind of options open for another review. Never say never.
8 March 2013 at 20:52
My site is avelim.co.il
It runs on WordPress in Hebrew 3.5.1
I use your plugin extensively
Today I changed my theme to Weaver II Pro 1.3
I am having issues with your plugin now
I tried to configure a dynamic widget and I got a screen wit less options than usual
See http://goo.gl/TN39G
As you can see category pages, search and many others are missing.
I tries to use the “old” method in your plugin. It did not change any thing.
Here is a link to the dump
Please assist
8 March 2013 at 20:59
Please correct me if I’m wrong. There have been more reports about this. I know by heart the author of the Waever theme released an update about this which solves this issue.
8 March 2013 at 21:12
I never heard about it, Following your comment I searched through their forum and saw nothing about it. I am using the latest version of the Weaver Pro theme. Any details of what the issue is and how to fix it?
8 March 2013 at 21:12
My site uses many plugins. Are you aware of any plugins that confloct with Dynamic Widgets plugin?
8 March 2013 at 22:48
Now I get an error when I try to configue a dynamic widget: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 8192 bytes) in /home/avelimor/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1545
What is this? How is it solved?
9 March 2013 at 09:51
When you have the latest version of the theme, it’s fixed as far as I know. Looking at your last comment and taking the many plugins you have into account, that might be the issue here. Your WordPress is trying to allocate memory which is not available. Looking at your screendump it looks like it fails at Single Post. Do you have many categories, tags or authors in your WordPress?
9 March 2013 at 09:56
No tags
1104 categories
1027 users
9 March 2013 at 11:35
I think the number of categories is the issue here. That’s too much to display all in one go, especially when they are hierarchical. I’m sorry, for this I don’t have a solution available yet.
11 March 2013 at 14:02
Just curious, as Twitter will soon be discontinuing the v1 API, do you have any plans to update the Twitter widget to use the new v1.1 API? They’ve already started blackout tests, which break the widget, although they’ve not yet set the date they’ll be turning it off completely.
12 March 2013 at 15:11
Hi Jack,
I guess you’re talking about my other plugin: Tweet Lovers.
I haven’t decided yet what to do. But to be honest I’m thinking about to liquidate that project.
13 March 2013 at 01:08
Thnks for this Great plugin.. although I cnt get it to work at all.
My widget keep showin’ on every page, no matter what I select or de-select.
For instance:
1) Set all options to ‘No’…result -> widget is shown everywhere/every page.
2) Set all options to ‘No’ & select a specific page to be shown.. result..-> widget is still shown on every page..and not on a specific page at all…
What am I doing wrong?
thnks for ur support!
13 March 2013 at 09:41
This is probably theme related. Please check the following:
– Are there dynamic sidebars?
– Does the theme call wp_head() ?
When both can be answered by Yes, you can try OLD method and see if that helps.
14 March 2013 at 12:29
Thnks Jacco..
Guess have to use OLD method..;-)
Can you tell me how to?
14 March 2013 at 14:46
Please read the FAQ. In one of the items is explained how to enable the OLD method. It’s very simple.
17 March 2013 at 15:25
Ya, realy simple ..thnks..
But unfortunately it doesnt work..
Guess Im out of options?
20 March 2013 at 14:31
Have you looked to the requirements I noted to you earlier?
22 March 2013 at 07:39
Hi Jacco…
Yes I did and it’s finally working..
thnks a lot for you support!
15 March 2013 at 13:50
I have installed dynamic widgets on my site because I need to have two language versions of my widgets (English and Danish). For the language management I have installed qtranslate. But I cannot figure out how I can set the set the widgets to make sure that the English versions of the widgets are displayed when I click the English flag on my site. Can you help me out?
Kind regards
15 March 2013 at 15:01
You should have a section “Language” available in the DW options. There you can choose the language when the widget should or should not appear.
16 March 2013 at 11:07
I have another question.
I have a menu item (Hjem) that is created using Custom Links. How do I make sure that the an corresponding English menu item is displayed whenever the English language version is selected.
Kind regards
16 March 2013 at 19:21
I’m sorry, DW does not handle menu’s or widget content. So, this can’t be done with DW. This probably have to be done within the theme when calling the menu. Not sure if QTranslate has a handler for this.
16 March 2013 at 19:38
On this note, if you are using a theme such as Weaver II Pro that gives you awesome control over your widget areas you can work around this. I don’t use a translator, so not sure how it’s all structured, but I use a jquery mega menu, drop it in to a sitewide top widget area and then use DW to specify which pages/posts calls on which menus for certain sections. It works like a charm.
You can see it in action at. The four publication logos on the home page all display different menus, indicated by colour. It’s not immediately apparent because the names on the menu items are mostly the same, but under “All Sections” if you hover over the different sub-menu items you’ll notice that they link to different URL’s.
The only things on my wish list are:
1) a better way to create the menus under the WordPress menu section – it’s very cumbersome
2) the ability in DW to bulk edit widgets that need to have the same settings & the ability to collapse the widget areas in the DW admin section
Other than that, I’m thrilled with this plugin.
Hope that helps.
16 March 2013 at 19:44
Oh and Jacco, I’m very excited that my DW wishlist items have been added to your idea list! Really looking forward to that release. 🙂
20 March 2013 at 20:25
Hi Tanya
Thanks a lot for your answer. I am not really sure how jquery mega menu works but I’ll dig into it:).
Kind regards
20 March 2013 at 10:37
I made a chat widget which I thought a quick way to switch it off for a while and used the “set all options to NO” but then realised this is not an easy one click task to switch back on, could we get a “set all options to YES” button, but other than that, this plugin rocks! Keep up the great work!
28 March 2013 at 22:24
Sorry for the late reply. Your comment ended up in Spam. Had to unspam and approve it.
Anyway, what you’re looking for is actually there. Be sure you’re in the DW overview. Hover over the widget you want to set back to ‘Yes’. Click on ‘Reset’. This makes the widget ‘Static’ again.
31 March 2013 at 06:23
reset button, yes! wicked thankyou, this is a great plugin.
28 March 2013 at 14:46
Hi !
I just installed the plugin on my wordpress and i have a strange dashboard for it.
They only options i have are:
Advanced >
Dynamic Widgets v1.5.4 (FILTER)
If i push “Advanced”, i get a check box to switch to “old version”, a button to make a dump and the “page limit” option.
That’s it.
Did i miss something ?
28 March 2013 at 22:21
When that’s all what you see on that page. Then it looks like you don’t have dynamic sidebars in your theme. This is a requirement for DW to function correctly.
2 April 2013 at 20:29
Ok… when i read the plugin description it mentions
Dynamic Widgets gives you full control on which pages your widgets will appear.
And i have at least the default widgets…. 🙂
But anyway… somehow when i was writing this reply, i tried to desactivate and reactivate and it works now….
Cheer, and thanks for the support 😉
2 April 2013 at 22:07
I’m glad it’s solved now. Don’t quite understand why it didn’t pick it up in the first place actually.
31 March 2013 at 03:25
Hello, I love how easily I can hide & show widgets with this plugin! Thank you 🙂
One issue that came up for me was that all the button links stopped working in all the widgets (even ones I never touched). This is the case in both the “old” and new version of Dynamic Widgets.
Other links in widget areas work just fine (like the ones on images or text), but when I use the button shortcode for my theme (Avada), the link brings me back to the current page, not going to where I set it.
Any ideas?
31 March 2013 at 03:48
Oops, my bad. No issue with the plugin.
31 March 2013 at 03:47
I’ve resolved this. No worries. Thanks!
15 April 2013 at 18:37
First of all, I would like to say Dynamic Widget is really a great plugin!
I have a question regarding to the URL dynamic option and hope you can shed me some light. Let me explain my setup first.
I have one wordpress site with address http://www.example.com for US user
I have another domain http://www.example.co.uk that maps to http://www.example.com for UK user. So actually they refer to the same wordpress site but just using different domain address.
Now, i try to set a sidebar text widget to display different msg to user from different domain address. So i use the dynamic URL setting in DW.
– For UK Test Widget, “Show widget at this URL” – “NO” except the URL “*co.uk*”
– For US Test Widget, “Show widget at this URL” – “NO” except the URL “*.com*”
After setup, none of the widget showed up. Is there anything i have setup wrongly?
Appreciate to have your help. Many Thanks.
15 April 2013 at 22:28
Unfortunately you’re trying something to set up what is not possible by Dynamic Widgets. DW starts evaluating the URL after the domain name.
21 April 2013 at 16:50
Thanks to developer for developing this.
One feature I think many of us will feel necessary i.e. country specific. That means there will have a space where administrator can mention country code. For example “us” for United States of America. One can able to mention multiple country code separated by comma (,). If box remain blank then that widget will be visible throughout the world.
If possible then please add this feature with Dynamic Widget plugins.
Thanks again.
22 April 2013 at 20:14
Yes, this feature has been requested before. It’s on the wishlist.
5 May 2013 at 15:48
HI – I just installed DW and I”m confused about how to use it.
My goal is to be able to add a sidebar widget (affiliate advertisement) to an single post (or possibly a category of posts) targeting the subject of the post. Normally a wordpress widget (by default) is applied to ALL posts on my site.
Do I have to add the widget and then DISABLE it on each and every post EXCEPT the one I want it on? (very time consuming)
OR (hopefully) is there a simple way to get the new widget to appear on just the one post??
Thanks much. Great PlugIn!
5 May 2013 at 19:14
No, you don’t have to disable the widget on every post individually.
First set all default options to ‘No’. Use the quick setting at the top of the DW widget edit page for that. Tick the box for “Make exception rule available to individual posts and tags” below the quick setting. Don’t forget to save. Go to the post edit for which you want to enable the widget. At the bottom right corner you will find another tick box to enable the widget for that individual post.
Please note there is a bug in 1.5.4 when you edit the widget again, it’s possible you loose the DW settings for the individual post. This bug is fixed in the latest development version.
14 May 2013 at 04:30
Does it supports Multisite. I know someone already asked the question and he said that he found the answer, but never mentioned what he found. Can you please let me know whether “Dynamic Widgets” support multisite
Many Thanks
14 May 2013 at 12:45
Please read the FAQ. Thank you.
29 May 2013 at 21:48
Dynamic Widgets is a fantastic plugin- I depend on it daily (And have donated!)
I have a question though- controlling widgets based on tag for PAGES is brilliant- why does that same level of control not extend to POSTS with the same tag?
I have a page about topic A, with a signup box and special report about topic A that is tied to a tag solely used for topic A- it hides other widgets with tag A, shows my focused widget WITH tag A. … but this only works on PAGES. I would love it if it worked on POSTS too. Any suggestions?
31 May 2013 at 15:36
Have you ticked the box “Make exception rule available to individual posts and tag” ?
31 May 2013 at 16:58
thanks. I did not see that option, it seems to work, but I’m curious- why not do single posts the same way you do pages- namely, select on or off on a per post basis, and on/off per tags, right in the regular dynamic widgets panel?
I have 10 text widgets for example, none use widget header. so all are named ‘text’, and they contain the various signup forms I want to display. With you ‘make exception’ tickbox, I have to go to each of those text widgets, turn it on, then go to the individual tag page, and determin which ‘text’ checkbox to check… seems much more logical to control this exactly as you do with pages, which works brilliantly
31 May 2013 at 18:42
The reasons is actually quite simple. Most WordPress installs have a fast growing number of posts and tags. This gets quickly too much to handle within the DW options page. For reliability this is moved to the appropiate pages.
31 May 2013 at 18:04
thanks, just wanted to let you know the tickbox method works perfectly- thanks for letting me know about it, it wasn;t clear at first.
love this plugin!
27 June 2013 at 00:24
I am trying to use your plugin so that a widget appears only on pages by a particular author. However, I can not figure out the correct settings. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
27 June 2013 at 12:46
Pages by author are not supported. Only posts by author.
27 June 2013 at 01:32
i have 24 widgets on my website and i set every widgets to appears in different categories, but sometimes all of my 24 widgets appears in all categories, post, front page, and pages. i have no idea where is the main problem, i am using suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha, Any suggestions?
27 June 2013 at 12:47
This might be the theme not passing the correct values to DW. You can try to put DW into OLD method.
8 July 2013 at 17:41
Hello there,
I installed dynamic plugin, in order to hide widgets that where showing on all my web pages and so far it works just great, but it changed my backround color and my web pop’s up with the following note on my backround :
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/newmillt/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-widgets/dynwid_worker.php on line 183
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/newmillt/public_html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-widgets/dynwid_worker.php on line 183
class=”home page page-id-99 page-template-default logged-in admin-bar no-customize-support custom-background”>
What should i do to get over it?
Thank you !!!!
8 July 2013 at 21:26
Have you enabled URL settings, but not entered an URL maybe?
21 July 2013 at 10:07
This plugin is not working with buddypress 1.8. Is there a fix for this?
28 July 2013 at 03:03
Well, you can see the date of my post if not its July 27, 2013.. and just wanted to pay a visit to the author of this fine plugin. It is working PERFECTLY and I have an extensive WP (3.5.2) on shared hosting, template with all kinds of javascript with custom sidebars, custom fields, custom post_types, etc. and Dynamic Widgets is working great.
I know many people come for support, but I wanted to come and thank you!
2 August 2013 at 08:34
I have am issue with the settings page for DW, such that it is not displaying on our site. Does not matter if I try to access it from the plugin area by selecting “settings” or on the individual widget configuration by selecting the “static’ link to change the options.
it showed up once in the beginning, then never again.
I have remove it, re-installed, de-activated it, removed it again, etc.. Nothing seems to bring the settings page back, When I attempt to to load it I get a 404 error. Page not found.
How can I get this back again?
2 August 2013 at 09:58
David, I’m sure the author will pay a visit.. but I just happen to see your post in no way am I plugin expert. But at first glance.. do u have some kinda security plugin on? Have you tried deactivating any that affect your admin area?
Lastly, when asking about plugin help.. i would suggest maybe listing any others u have installed.. author or someone else may be able to help IF we had same issues with this plugin and another.
2 August 2013 at 10:00
Also.. I just checked mine.. the plugin isnt under settings.. its under Appearence.
2 August 2013 at 10:00
Hello David, As Bernard already suggested, this looks like a security problem. I’ve seen this before that certain capabilities were removed and therefor made DW inaccessable.
18 August 2013 at 10:36
Sorry for the delay in getting back, family va-ca and all that catchup.
Jacco – I thought that too, but see comments below.
Bernard – Yes, I know the location, it is also under appearance in mine as well.
I also thought is might be related to a plugin, so I went in and deactivated all plugin. Still cannot get into the “settings page” for DW. The one the used to show up at the end of the domain url like “wp-admin/themes.php?page=dynwid-config”.
I also thought it might be related to the theme, so with all plugins turned off, I activated the default wordpress themes 2011 and 2012. Still no joy.
Downloaded the entire site and database onto a local dev-host and tried it, it worked like a charm and I was able to set some dynamics. I was thrilled… because I thought I had found the solution.. It must be on the web hosting server.
BUT… I initially had cloned the site from another using WP_Twin. On the site I cloned it from, which is on the same server with the exact same setup, DW was working perfectly. Since the cloned site worked well, there is no reason to believe it is a web server problem. I even restored the original site since then, tested DW with and without all the other 24 on and it works as expected.
I have the DW plugin working on 5 other sites on the same server currently. But on this one site it will not display the settings adjustment options for a specific widget or the general all display of the “wp-admin/themes.php?page=dynwid-config” function.
As more people are loading content daily, I cannot backup to my local dev-host machine , make changes, and then restore to the production site. Did that once and lost 20 posts by others. (Much egg on my face)
It just confounds me that this one site, and only this site, will not display the required settings page. As we are getting ready to launch in 3 days, I need to change the “dynamics” of the existing widget displays without losing anything other than this issue.
Thoughts anyone?
19 August 2013 at 08:23
Hi David,
Just for testing purposes. Can you change the capability used for the DW Admin screen? It’s at line 217 of dynamic-widgets.php. Currently set to “edit_theme_options”. Let’s try “manage_options” for example. And when that doesn’t work, I’m wondering what the very low level “read” would do.
19 August 2013 at 21:49
Jacco – Thanks for your help and the suggestions.
I tried both ideas,even the low level “read” did not provide any joy. But, we made possible progress because it generated an error log file in the DW folder.
The contents of that are:
[18-Aug-2013 04:24:12] PHP Fatal error: Class ‘DW_BP’ not found in /home/MyDomainName/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-widgets/dynwid_admin_edit.php on line 10
[18-Aug-2013 04:24:49] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/MyDomainName/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-widgets/dynwid_admin_overview.php on line 49
[18-Aug-2013 04:24:49] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function _e() in /home/MyDomainName/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-widgets/dynwid_admin_overview.php on line 104
I looked at each of those file areas and in my limited skills did not see anything torrid.
I understand the first one, maybe, because I don’t have Buddypress (BP class) but until the testing change recommended was applied; this error never showed up.
The other 2 didn’t look odd to me, but to more or better skills they might shed some light. But like the other one, these have not shown up in the past.
Does any of this help in any way?
20 August 2013 at 08:48
Very odd…
The PHP Fatal error: That would mean the file ./mods/bp_module.php has vanished from the dynamic-wdigets plugin directory
The first PHP Warning: That would mean there are no sidebars defined
The second PHP Warning: That would mean a basic translate function within the WordPress core could not be found
In my opinion none of those errors and warnings are related to eachother.
20 August 2013 at 18:40
Jacco – Thank you for the insights.
It is odd that the first message shows up. I can clearly see the file bp_module.php in the stated folder. I compared the contents to a working site and they are the same.
I could not look at the others because I don’t know what to look for or where.
I even went into a working site and copied the entire DW folder over the flawed site and that had no affect either.
The mystery continues.
22 August 2013 at 12:54
I have no idea what is causing these problems. It looks almost your WordPress install became crippled or something like that. Maybe you should try to copy the WordPress core over the current core. Maybe that solves something. I recommend to make a backup before you do.
20 August 2013 at 18:44
BTW – There is clearly sidebars defined, because the ones that were setup on the pre-cloned site (with dynamic settings) are listed and work for those settings.
All newly added sidebars display as “Static” as expected, I just can’t change any settings on them because of the stated issue.
26 August 2013 at 21:10
Hi guys,
Have always loved your ‘dynamics widget’. I had used it years ago so wanted to use it again recently but I have been experiencing the same issues as David above (although I’m way less techie) I have tried similar tests as Davis and with no luck 🙁
I just thought it might help to know someone else is experiencing same issue?
I’m on latest version of WP.
27 August 2013 at 07:59
Hello Al, Do you see the same errors and warnings?
27 August 2013 at 09:24
I haven’t got an errors or warnings, I just get a blank page when I click to ‘edit’ a ‘static’ or ‘dynamic’ widget. :/
27 August 2013 at 09:33
Hmmm… maybe another plugin is blocking something here. I’m going to try something and put it into my development version. Will let you know when that’s ready.
30 September 2013 at 11:38
Hi, great plugin.
I want a widget to show only on the following url:
How do I accomplish this?
30 September 2013 at 12:35
There are a few ways to do this. You can use the URL section or the appropiate type section. Wild guess is that you’re using BuddyPress (hence the ‘/members/’). Be sure to start with default set to ‘No’ and then creating an exception. When you only want to show a certain widget to the mentioned page, you can use the Quick setting to set everything to ‘No’ and work from there.
30 September 2013 at 13:35
Thanks for replying so swiftly …
I’ve set everything to ‘no’ and then the following:
In the url box
: Show widget at this URL? – set to no
Except the URLs:
But it doesn’t show.
30 September 2013 at 13:44
Don’t use the site URL, use the URL path from the root. So: /members/… See also the (i) balloon.
30 September 2013 at 13:50
Tried that – bit no joy. I’m sorry for being a pest but, could I give you login info and you can do just this one. I need to do 96 of them for each member.
30 September 2013 at 15:54
Do other rules work? Have you tried hiding a widget at e.g. a page? It might be the theme you’re using is ‘confusing’ DW.
I’m sorry, I can’t work individually on a site without a charge.