The last time I see a lot of support requests coming in claiming Dynamic Widgets would not work on WordPress 3.6 or 3.6.1. The tests I have done with serveral themes using the mentioned versions did not gave any issues. When you experience problems with Dynamic Widgets and WordPress 3.6 or 3.6.1, please let me know in the comments. Please provide me with details about your problem and the theme you’re using and where I can find it. Please note that I can only look at themes which are free.
2 Comments to “WordPress 3.6 / 3.6.1 with Dynamic Widgets”
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24 September 2013 at 01:54
when I installed this plugin for the first time i got the message at the top –
WARNING STRICT sql mode in effect. Dynamic Widgets might not work correctly. Please disable STRICT sql mode.
I am using ifeature pro theme from Cyberchimps (they recommended you).
How do I fix this issue?
24 September 2013 at 06:30
This issue can be fixed just as it says actually. Disable STRICT SQL mode. This is done at the MySQL server. Most of the time you have to contact your system administrator for this.