Much earlier then anticipated I’ve released version 1.5.9 of Dynamic Widgets. A small but quite annoying bug made me decide to release this version. Also I’ve been able to add a new feature to it which was requested quite a few times. Below the changelog:
- Added support for IP range
- Bugfix for URL and Pages module does not show the green checkmark and not showing the settings made
- Bugfix for Single Post Catregory is saved wrong
- Bugfix for Strict warning notice in author_module.php at line 42
New feature requests are always taken into consideration. But it happens quite a few times I get requests I’m not certain there would be an audience for it. For that kind of requests I will create a poll and see the response on it. Based on the outcome of the poll I’ll take the request in consideration again. Currently there is poll running about a feature request: Filter based on coming from specific URL.
8 Comments to “Dynamic Widgets 1.5.9”
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16 October 2014 at 20:34
I am a happy user of the dynamic widget plugin.
Now I have installed Wishlist Member and when I use their sidebar widget I get an error message that the Widget ID is invalid.
On your FAQ you say that this is due to an old way of integrating the widget with WordPress. The developers of Wishlist Member say they use the regular way of integrating.
I am not a specialist, but expect a big plugin like Wishlist Member to be using the latest technology.
Do you know of problems with the Wishlist Member widget? Do you know how to solve this?
Thanks for you help.
17 October 2014 at 20:47
Did you hit Save in the widget before you tried to edit the DW rules?
I’ve heard before of problems with Wishlist and DW. It’s kinda funny. The author(s) of a paid plugin blame a free plugin that’s been used on almost all other widgets without the “Invalid Widget ID” error. Go figure… You would expect better support from someone who got your money.
1 February 2015 at 19:23
Getting an error:
Call to undefined function wp_is_mobile() in /nfs/c02/h05/mnt/28368/domains/ridgewoodprep.com/html/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-widgets/dynwid_worker.php on line 17
(I don’t see the function called wp_is_mobile in that script.)
1 February 2015 at 19:39
Never mind, found it – thanks!
19 February 2015 at 08:11
Downloaded this to 2014 theme. Want to only show blog archives widget & categories widget only on certain pages. Works well, EXCEPT no matter what I do and try (even switching to OLD), the archive & catergory blog link widgets will not stay off the front/homepage. Any ideas? Thanks.
19 February 2015 at 08:26
Please make sure you’re editing the right widgets in the right section. It’s also possible there are default widgets that appear when the sidebar becomes empty or are fixed within the sidebar. See also the FAQ.
19 February 2015 at 08:42
I’m sorry, but I had already searched the FAQs before reaching out here in the comments section, and haven’t come up with a solution.
18 March 2015 at 15:42
Hello –
I’m currently running v1.5.6.1 using it for my social media buttons. I see there is a place for google+ to recommend but there isn’t a way to get to my google+ page. I see there is that option on your site.
When I click on the grey google+ icon there’s no place for a URL, only a checkbox to enable me to recommend the page.
Could you tell me how to get one that will go to my page, please?
I know the person who built the site donated. I’d be happy to do that as well if you could help me with this.
Thank you so much.