A few days ago Dynamic Widgtes had been taken down from the WordPress Plugin Repository by the WordPress Admins because of a security flaw being found by Mika Epstein (Thanks Mika!). This is now fixed and therefor Dynamic Widget has been made available again.
Next to the fix for the security flaw a new feature has been added: Shortcodes. This feature has become available by the financial contribution of Nathan Wright of NW Consulting. Thank you very much Nathan!
3 Comments to “Dynamic Widget 1.5.11”
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28 February 2016 at 17:27
why my dynamic widgets error in may website can you help me ?
29 June 2016 at 20:43
I installed your Dynamic Widgets Plugin. But when I go to change the settings and save, I get an error msg.
The screenshot of the error msg is here: http://prntscr.com/bmpj69
Would appreciate that this issue will be looked into and resolved, with a confirmation to my email.
Thanks and rgds,
29 June 2016 at 22:03
I do not reply to email for Dynamic Widgets support.
This is a very unlikely error. What rules have you set?