I’ve just released version 1.5.12 of Dynamic Widgets. This is release bumps the compatible version for WordPress to 4.6. A few things have been changed tho which might have an impact on users that (still) use QTranslate or one of it’s forks.
Because of the many forks that have been created and all going in a different direction not honoring the original code of QTranslate I had no other choice then (temporary) removing support for QTranslate and all it’s forks. Supporting a fork would mean breaking another fork. I can not allow that my plugin breaks another plugin or even worse a complete WordPress site.
Other changes that have been done in this release:
- Added conditional check for client IP address (handy when using CLI)
- Added support for featured image
When you do a manual install of the plugin, as always make sure to completely remove the old plugin directory before installing the new version and do a deactivate – activate cycle of it.
5 Comments to “Dynamic Widgets 1.5.12”
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22 September 2016 at 21:08
not sure why u not add all CSS code in one external file.
All CSS code in page head tag so and this bad for SEO.
Can u fix it? Thanx
5 January 2017 at 16:39
Ya, please fix CSS Issue
2 April 2018 at 09:09
here i m late so what’s the update… problem solve or not
18 October 2018 at 19:13
I am switching from Canvas to 18 Tags theme and discovered Dynamic Widgets plugin. The “Post Grid” block in List View seems ideal for my layout with a small problem. There are no controls for the size of the title or excerpt text or the number of words in the excerpt. The defaults are too large. Is there any way to affect these parameters?
19 October 2018 at 09:11
Dynamic Widgets does not change the contents of a widget. It only shows or hides widgets based on the rules you set.