It seems I forgot to write a short notice for version 1.5.15. Anyway, version 1.5.16 has just been released that fixes a bug or actually a notice being thrown:
Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in dynwid_worker.php on line 526
when using PHP 7.3 or higher.
Thanks for your continuing support for this plugin. Even I’m not very active in adding new features. I still have a wishlist in my issue tracker which I’m not sure which items are still applicable or not.
10 Comments to “Dynamic Widgets 1.5.16”
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7 June 2020 at 04:43
Does the dynamic widget allow you to create a left hand sidebar on each page and post and homepage tablet or mobile version
7 June 2020 at 13:54
Dynamic Widgets only shows or hides widgets based on the rules you have set. It does not alter the content of widgets, nor adds or removes sidebars.
24 June 2021 at 11:03
Hi Jacco,
First of all I’d like to thank you for developing such a useful plugin, I have enjoying it on my website for a few years now. I’ve recorded a video showing an issue that I am experiencing; I would appreciate your assistance in resolving it.
Here is a link to download the video:
url removed
Thanks in advance for your support.
Best regards,
26 June 2021 at 19:22
Hi Tom,
I’m very sorry, I don’t click on shortened URLs and I also removed it from your message to prevent others. Next to that I don’t give free individual support for a free plugin. You can explain the issue to me in a comment. Possible (PHP) error / notice messages do help a lot in this.
Thanks for your understanding.
27 June 2021 at 08:26
Hi Jacco, thank you for your prompt reply and I understand your desire not to open shortened URLS.
The issue is as follows:
In my categories and subcategories, I have all sorts of filters hidden using the plugin. After clicking on a filter and then clearing the filter using the X button, all of the hidden filters appear alongside the ones that are supposed to appear.
You can try this link; apologies but my website is only in Hebrew.
At the moment there are the filters configured to appear – manufacturer, price and category (in this order). If you click on any of the “category” filers (the first one, for example) and then clear the filters, you will see that all of the filters appear.
I’m sorry but I don’t quite know how to check for PHP errors.
Best regards,
4 July 2021 at 12:09
Sorry, late reply now
It’s kinda difficult to understand what’s going on without any log. I have the feeling it looses parameters (query arguments) fpr the filters. Without those, Dynamic Widgets has no clue anymore. I can research this individual problem, but can’t do it for free. When it turns out to be a bug in Dynamic Widgets, for sure there will be a discount.
7 July 2021 at 08:36
How can we proceed with this? Perhaps you can send me an email so that we don’t spam the comments here?
22 July 2021 at 21:03
A friendly reminder about this
31 January 2022 at 04:58
Dynamic Widgets <= 1.5.16 – Reflected Cross-Site Scripting
wpscan dot com/plugin/dynamic-widgets
Reported 2021-12-28. Any plans to fix soon?
31 January 2022 at 06:13
read: https://qurl.nl/2021/12/the-end-of-dynamic-widgets/