A bug has been reported and confirmed in version 1.1:
When using role options, other options may display unexpected default values in the widget options edit admin page.
A fix is on it’s way and will be released asap, but no later than Sunday February 7, 2010.
If you can not wait, you may try the following. Please note, you have to change some PHP code in two files. If you’re not familiar with PHP, I do not recommend this. Also this code is not fully tested.
In file ./dynamic-widgets/dynwid_class.php:149-155
public function getOptions($widget_id, $maintype) { $opt = array(); $query = "SELECT widget_id, maintype, name, value FROM " . $this->dbtable . " WHERE widget_id LIKE '" . $widget_id . "' AND (maintype LIKE '" . $maintype . "%' OR maintype = 'role') ORDER BY name";
Replace by:
public function getOptions($widget_id, $maintype, $admin = TRUE) { $opt = array(); if ( $admin ) { $query = "SELECT widget_id, maintype, name, value FROM " . $this->dbtable . " WHERE widget_id LIKE '" . $widget_id . "' AND maintype LIKE '" . $maintype . "%' ORDER BY name"; } else { $query = "SELECT widget_id, maintype, name, value FROM " . $this->dbtable . " WHERE widget_id LIKE '" . $widget_id . "' AND (maintype LIKE '" . $maintype . "%' OR maintype = 'role') ORDER BY name"; }
In file ./dynamic-widgets/dynwid_worker.php:24
$opt = $DW->getOptions($widget_id, $whereami);
Replace by:
$opt = $DW->getOptions($widget_id, $whereami, FALSE);
UPDATE: Bug has been fixed in version 1.1.1.
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