My dear and very respected users of Dynamic Widgets. After a few years of battling to make some time for the further maintenance and development of Dynamic Widgets, I have decided to give up. WordPress development is not core business anymore for me. My focus is now more on application solutions.
Currently the plugin is withdrawn from the WordPress repository because of an XSS exploit. I will not fix this anymore. This means the plugin will be removed eventually from the repository. Starting January 1, 2022 I will not answer support questions anymore. This means Dynamic Widgets will be abandoned.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank everybody who has used, supported and plugged Dynamic Widgets. Without you out there I wouldn’t have come so far. It has been an amazing journey.
When you are a WordPress developer and are interested in the further maintenance and development of Dynamic Widgets, you can contact me. Understand what it takes to maintain a free plugin with thousands of users. It’s not just PHP. It’s also support. And many other things which take a crazy amount of time.
Once again, thank you all. So long!
It seems I forgot to write a short notice for version 1.5.15. Anyway, version 1.5.16 has just been released that fixes a bug or actually a notice being thrown:
Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in dynwid_worker.php on line 526
when using PHP 7.3 or higher.
Thanks for your continuing support for this plugin. Even I’m not very active in adding new features. I still have a wishlist in my issue tracker which I’m not sure which items are still applicable or not.
After more then one year finally a new version of Dynamic Widgets is released. Version 1.5.14 is here!
This version fixes a bug that was introduced since WordPress 5 preventing the ability to set the Pages default to “No”. Kudo’s to WordPress forum user @fjaeker for finding and debugging this issue.
Thanks everybody for your continued support to this plugin, even after a long silence from my side in doing updates on it.
Today, after almost one year of silence, I’ve released a new version of Dynamic Widgets. Version 1.5.13 is now ready for download. WordPress Update system will pick it up shortly in your install.
Not much has changed since the previous version. Most notable is the addition of the domain name / servername module. When you use more domain names in one install, you can now filter your widgets on that too. Thanks for the financial support of HANNA Instruments, Mexico to make this module possible.
I’ve just released version 1.5.12 of Dynamic Widgets. This is release bumps the compatible version for WordPress to 4.6. A few things have been changed tho which might have an impact on users that (still) use QTranslate or one of it’s forks.
Because of the many forks that have been created and all going in a different direction not honoring the original code of QTranslate I had no other choice then (temporary) removing support for QTranslate and all it’s forks. Supporting a fork would mean breaking another fork. I can not allow that my plugin breaks another plugin or even worse a complete WordPress site.
Other changes that have been done in this release:
- Added conditional check for client IP address (handy when using CLI)
- Added support for featured image
When you do a manual install of the plugin, as always make sure to completely remove the old plugin directory before installing the new version and do a deactivate – activate cycle of it.
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- Annalee Antiques
- Bill Bennett
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- Diablo Motorsports
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- RockSolidClouds
- WordPress expert Ari Salomon
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- Zevic Mishor