ArchiveJuly, 2011
Browsing all articles from July, 2011

Another bug has been found in the latest version of Dynamic Widgets by ukmacemen and Kelli Stanley. The bug only occurs when using WordPress lower then version 3.1, this is the error you’ll receive:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_users() in /wp-content/plugins/dynamic-widgets/mods/single_module.php on line 12

It has been fixed in development version

UPDATE: Make that The bug also occurs in the Author module.


Thanks to a report from a Dynamic Widgets user who also uses WPML, a bug has been fixed in version

When you use Dynamic Widgets in combination with WPML, you’ll receive the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method dynWid::getDWOpts() in /wp-content/plugins/dynamic-widgets/mods/wpml_module.php on line 13

Just upgrade to version and you’re good to go. My apologies for the inconvience.

UPDATE: It seems I must have had a very bad day when I was working on or testing out the WPML module. Thanks to a comment made by Jack Beerens another bug has been found in the WPML module. All fixed now in version


Dynamic Widgets 1.4.1

A little later then expected I’ve just released version 1.4.1 of Dynamic Widgets. After 17 development versions due to bugreports and feature requests (thank you all!) I thought it was time to let everybody who’s using Dynamic Widgets can use the new exciting features.

This is what have happened:

  • Added Custom Taxonomies support for Custom Post Types.
  • Added WPML support to Custom Taxonomies.
  • Added support for Custom Taxonomies Archives.
  • Added support for Theme Templates.
  • Added hierarchical structure overview for Categories.
  • Added Component exceptions support in BuddyPress Groups.
  • Added a Quick setting: ‘Set all options to Off’.
  • Added ‘Internet Explorer 6’ to the browser detection.
  • Added advanced option setting for the page limit.
  • Bugfix for not selecting the WPML main language ID for Custom Post Types.
  • Bugfix for showing all WPML translated Custom Post Type titles.
  • Bugfix for not correct displaying of options string in the widget admin when having options set for Custom Post Type Archives, BuddyPress, BuddyPress Groups.
  • Bugfix for losing exception rules for single posts and tags in rare cases.
  • Bugfix for showing empty Custom Post Type Archives option in settings screen.
  • Bugfix for unexptected behaviour when setting BP groups default to ‘No’.
  • Bugfix for only showing the last Custom Posts in the list.
  • Limited the list of authors to users with user level > 0.
  • Security fix in the usage of the returnURL.
  • Workaround when using prototype theme.
  • Workaround for certain themes claiming an invalid BP component confusing Dynamic Widgets.

Extra notes

Because of the addition of support for Custom Taxonomies within Custom Post Types and the addtion of Internet Explorer 6 detection, the database table used by Dynamic Widgets needs to be upgraded. Please make sure to do a proper deactivation and activation of the plugin. Otherwise the database upgrade will not be triggered.

When you have set a rule of Internet Explorer, the upgrade process will add a rule for Internet Explorer 6.

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