It seems I forgot to write a short notice for version 1.5.15. Anyway, version 1.5.16 has just been released that fixes a bug or actually a notice being thrown:
Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in dynwid_worker.php on line 526
when using PHP 7.3 or higher.
Thanks for your continuing support for this plugin. Even I’m not very active in adding new features. I still have a wishlist in my issue tracker which I’m not sure which items are still applicable or not.
After more then one year finally a new version of Dynamic Widgets is released. Version 1.5.14 is here!
This version fixes a bug that was introduced since WordPress 5 preventing the ability to set the Pages default to “No”. Kudo’s to WordPress forum user @fjaeker for finding and debugging this issue.
Thanks everybody for your continued support to this plugin, even after a long silence from my side in doing updates on it.
Yesterday, WordPress 3.5 was released. Due to a small change made in the core WordPress system, Dynamic Widgets might give you a notification “Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare()”.
This is a known problem and has already been fixed in the latest development version.
So, when you upgrade to WordPress 3.5 and you receive this notification. You can install this version of Dynamic Widgets for the time being. An official release will follow soon.
The last month I’ve been experiencing some troubles of different sources along the way.
Reason for not replying to comments was most of all I didn’t receive notifications anymore. I’ve decided to move to another hosting company later this year. As a start, my mail server has already been moved. Apparently my current hosting company where this website is still hosted doesn’t like that and refuses to follow the standard specifications by not sending mail from this website to my mail server. Result is the mail vanishes in cyberspace. For the time being I’ll take more attention to comments, bugreports, etc. without checking my mail. Soon I’ll be moving this website also to the new hosting company. Once again, apologies to all the people waiting for an answer.
Last but not least is that my ISP currently refuses to put me back online. I’ve lost my internet connection last Thursday evening and until now this problem has not been fixed. Yes, I did pay my monthly subscription fee in case you wonder. 😉 There seem to be a cable issue which is apparently very hard to fix. How difficult can that be? There is no estimate when this issue will be fixed. The ISP thinks it will be fixed before next Friday. When you live in the Netherlands, in the Caiway/Rekam service area, beware of this kind of unacceptable shitty things. When it works, it works pretty well. When it doesn’t, you’re in big trouble.
Soon WordPress 3.1 will be released. I’ve tested Dynamic Widgets with the 3.1-RC2 build and found a small glitch in the admin UI. This has been fixed in the development version
When WordPress 3.1 is released, I’l probably also release quite soon after that the next version of Dynamic Widgets. When you want to start using WordPress 3.1 in the meantime, I recommend you to use the development version of Dynamic Widgets.